July 1, 2009
Missed Father's Day? Reach for the Tequila...
Lincoln Chinnery READ TIME: 4 MIN.
Better late than never! If you missed Father's Day (or if the gift you gave was received with a raised eyebrow and an "umm, thanks?"), then reach for one of the top shelf and hand over one of these quality bottle of tequilas. They're sure to raise the "spirits" of any father figure in your life.
Every one has a tequila story in them. Whether its how he got that scar on his chin or the story of how he met your mother, tequila is one of the best bonding agents money can buy. Plus, when the two of you are doing tequila
shots sans 'Training Wheels' (Lemon & Salt) your father will know he raised a gentleman/lady not a drunken Frat Boy.
Tequila for the New Dad - 1800 Select Silver Tequila
New fathers are a tricky lot. They have to deal with raising a new life, a woman whose body has gone through more changes than Bruce Banner and the depression of swapping that cool Jaguar C-XF for a HondaFit.
So, before the pressures of his new responsibilities turn him into a wrinkle of his former self, hire a babysitter and sit him down with a bottle of 1800 Select Silver Tequila. Not only will he appreciate a 30 dollar bottle of 80 proof goodness, but he'll be thankful for a reprieve from diaper duty.
The boys at 1800 have kicked up the gift giving ante by letting you personalize your gift bottle. For $225 you can order a bottle with a picture or personalized artwork. If
you visit www.1800tequila.com, you can place your order for a customized bottle. Even if you guys don't finish the bottle, the artwork will be a reminder of who his real
friends are... and where to turn to if he ever needs an alibi.
Tequila for Mothers who are Fathers - Tanteo
In this modern age of same-sex couples and single-parent households, I would be a fool to ignore the women who take on the responsibility of being the father figure. My suggestion for the sons and daughters of these women is to her some Tanteo Tequila for "Father's Day".
The Tanteo family of spirits makes a triple threat tequila set that will impress the palate, soothe the taste buds and have shot glasses raised for another round. Tanteo captures the spirit of Mexico by hand infusing the very flavors that helped put Mexico on the map Jalape?o, Chocolate and Tropical.
The Tanteo Jalape?o was created to give Bloody Mary's that extra kick, while is sweet like a kiss from Alicia Witt with a strong yet sexy after taste. The last (and my personal favorite) is the Tanteo Tropical. I brought a bottle of their mango and pineapple infused Tropical tequila to a birthday party and wound up doing shots of it poured through slices of fresh pineapple with some of the guests. Once the pineapple was gone we started doing body shots and then... I'll save that story for another day (or the Penthouse submission department).
Anyway, all three flavors are prime examples of high quality tequila that ring true to the spirit of Mexico and spirit making. Each bottle goes for 45 dollars and no matter which one you choose you will have a very happy (and hopefully intoxicated) parental unit.
Buying a tie or cologne as a present for Father's Day has become a clich?. First of all, unless your Dad is Dwight Schrute, he's not wearing one to work every day. Secondly, why punish the man that brought you into the world by making him wear Axe body spray. This Father's Day
surprise your Dad by giving him a gift that acknowledges who he is and what he's done for you. Tequila!
Lincoln C. Chinnery III is a freelance writer whose main areas of interest include dining, movies and nightlife. Lincoln welcomes questions and comments via email at lincolnwrites@gmail.com