After Homophobic Exchange, So. Carolina Mayor Says He MEANT 'a Bundle of Sticks'
Darlington, SC Mayor Curtis Boyd Source: WPDE

After Homophobic Exchange, So. Carolina Mayor Says He MEANT 'a Bundle of Sticks'


In an ugly display of butch talk, a citizen of Darlington, SC, challenged the legitimacy of the town's mayor, Curtis Boyd, during the public comment portion of Tuesday's city council meeting.

In a report from News 13/WBTW, Boyd replied "You're welcome to leave with me tonight, and if you want, you can sleep in my bed butt-naked with me. You're welcome to sleep in the bed with me."

The man, reported to be named Calvin, responded, "I'm not gay. I'm not a fa***t. I'm not a homosexual."

"I'm not a fa***t either," Boyd said, "but you're more than welcome to come live and see where I stay."

Boyd later told News13 that he was referring to being a "bundle of sticks." "The F word means, that you are referring to, means a bundle of sticks," Boyd said. "And he said he was not that, I said I'm not that, either. Whatever it is, I looked it up and it means a bundle of sticks. If you look at the dictionary."

Looking at , their sole definition is: "offensive: a gay person – used as a term of abuse and disparagement." offers two definitions, one American, one British. Its American one reads: "contemptuous term used to refer to a gay person, especially a gay man." Its British take offers two definitions: "slang. a male homosexual. Often shortened to fag." The dictionary also offers four definitions referring to Boyd's bundling reference: "a bundle of sticks or twigs, esp when bound together and used as fuel."

But he dissembled a bit when speaking to ABC15News/WPDE.

Boyd replied by using the same word, but said he only used the word in response back to the community member and didn't even know what it meant.

"I just responded back to what he said. I don't even know what that word means. Whatever he said. He said he's not that. I said I'm not that, either. Whatever it is. So, that's the only reason I said that word. Because I just reiterate it back that I'm not whatever he said he was. He's not. I was just trying to refer to that I am transparent. You can come and follow me anywhere and do whatever."

On Thursday afternoon, Boyd made a half-hearted apology. WMBF News reports.

"When asked if he thought using the slur was inappropriate, Boyd stated he didn't use the word in a derogatory way," the news station reported.

"I could have probably said something nicer, or different, or in a nicer way. I could have just let him sit down from the beginning," Boyd admitted. "I could have done a lot of things differently. But," he added, "I haven't done anything wrong, or said anything wrong to him."

"Boyd maintains he would never try to offend anyone, but apologizes if he has," WMBF reported. "He agreed when asked about his position bringing higher standards and higher levels of accountability," the report added, going on to say that Boyd believes his comments were "taken out of context."

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