Actor Aiden Wharton on Finding the Light and Joy in Dylan Musical 'Girl from the North Country'

Steve Duffy READ TIME: 9 MIN.

Watch this video preview of the national company of "The Girl from North Country."

EDGE: What does this music and this story mean to you?

Aidan Wharton: That's a good question. For me, it shows how we push through hard times and how there's so much in life. Connor's writing in this play leaves a lot open for interpretation. Because of this, we have a lot of questions. There are so many little details in our show and so many little pieces that really show what life is like. There aren't a ton of answers and life can be challenging at times, but there's a deep beauty in watching people push through and find the connections that they can, even in places you'd least expect it. So, every night to be able to tell this story across the country reminds me that no matter how dark and dire situations are, you can still find light, love, and joy.

EDGE: What's your favorite moment in "Girl From The North Country," and why?

Aidan Wharton: The incredible Jen Blood, who plays Elizabeth, performs "Like A Rolling Stone." After that, we dance together. It's a surreal moment. It is such a lovely way to connect with her, and it's just so sweet and warm. It's such a great moment and I love that I get to perform it with her every night.

EDGE: Musical theatre is growing with musician-focused shows. Why do you think these types of musicals are becoming so popular?

Aidan Wharton: There's the commercial aspect of having name recognition, which is helpful for success. Some musicians have incredible bodies of work and hearing their music gives them a chance for new fans and for a new way to live on. What I love about our show is that it is not your typical jukebox musical. The music, the plot, and the script are not too horned together. Sometimes in a jukebox musical, they force the plot to work with the songs or they work the songs to work with the plot. What I love about our show is that Connor McPherson, who wrote it, trusts his writing and Dylan's music to work together side-by-side, rather than forcing them to come together to tell a story.

EDGE: While touring you also work with local LGBTQ+ non-profit organizations to raise money. Who will you be working with while in Boston?

Aidan Wharton: I will be partnering with BAGLY and highlighting them. I have been trying to find nonprofits around the country that are hyper-local in each city we stop. I wish that I was raising thousands of dollars, but I'm raising hundreds. I wanted to find organizations that could benefit from these smaller-scale donations. Not that massive nonprofits aren't doing incredible work, but they have corporate sponsorships and I wanted to find ones where a little money would make a little bit of a difference. I love talking to these organizations and highlighting the work that they're doing while out on tour. A lot of nonprofits are thankless jobs, and so it's been incredible just to meet and talk with some of the folks who are on the front lines fighting for our rights.

EDGE: In addition to acting, you also have your website. Tell us about "Gay Buffet."

Aidan Wharton: I started this almost a year ago. I was working for a nonprofit and they loved newsletters, so I asked them for permission to write my own and that is how "Gay Buffet" started. There are so many things that fascinate me about being gay, queer, and the LGBTQIA+ community. I wanted to write a weekly roundup of things that I had learned that week or found out about. It is structured around news, history, art, music, musings, and a little relationship thing at the end. Over time, especially that summer, my fiancé and I were traveling a lot and I started researching the gay history of the places that we traveled to. I have always been fascinated by gay history so when I got offered this role, I thought, "What a great way to learn and disseminate information about gay history all over the country." I have learned some incredible things so far. In addition, I thought about how I can use what I'm writing and this tour opportunity to do something that feels meaningful to me, especially in this election year and that's where this nonprofit highlighting idea came from, as well.

EDGE: What's a must-have item for you while touring?

Aidan Wharton: What a fun question. My white noise machine, my electric skillet so that I can cook in my hotel room, and my Nintendo Switch for long travel days. When I'm feeling a little bored, I use my computer so that I can write about everything that I'm learning on the road. When I accepted this tour, I told my fiancé I wanted to be fully self-sufficient in the most basic of hotel rooms, so I've got a little camping set that I use when I must.

EDGE: Theatre is...

Aidan Wharton: A vitally important way to come together and experience art in a community setting.

"Girl from the North Country" continues through March 24 at the Emerson-Colonial Theatre, 106 Bolyston Street, Boston, MA. For ticket information, follow this link.

by Steve Duffy

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