The ABCs of IVF

Nov 27, 2024

Trump's National HIV Testing Day Statement Didn't Mention Gay People


With two days to go before the end of June, President Donald Trump continued his near perfect month of not mentioning the LGBT community on Wednesday when, on National HIV Testing Day, he issued a statement that in no place noted gay people, who were first and hardest hit by the disease.

"HIV has been one of the world's most significant health challenges since it was first identified 35 years ago," read the statement issued by the White House on Wednesday. "Greater awareness through testing is crucial in defeating HIV and AIDS. �Thankfully, because of progress in testing and treatment, we have never been closer to conquering the epidemic."

"My Administration is determined to build upon these improvements and continue supporting domestic and global health programs that prioritize testing and treatment for HIV/AIDS."

Even if he had mentioned the LGBT community, Trump's statement can be taken as lip service at best given the fact that earlier this month six members of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS resigned and his proposed budget called for $300 million cuts from HIV/AIDS funding.

The failure of the president to mention gay people on National HIV Testing Day caps off a month that began with his refusal to continue an eight-year tradition of proclaiming June National LGBT Pride Month. He would have completed an LGBT mention-free month had it not been for a brief mention of "the gays" during a rally in which he was ranting about his arch nemesis, former president Barack Obama.

"Isn't it amazing," Trump said "[Obama] can deal with Iran. You talk about bad... The gays, the women, bad to everyone ... brutal. I deal with anybody and it's like 'Donald Trump is a terrible human being.'"

The 35-second clip was uploaded to Facebook by Log Cabin Republican organizations and heralded with the following post.

"President Donald J. Trump mentions the gay community in his Cedar Rapids, Iowa speech last night."

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