Trump Signs Anti-Porn Pledge Despite Wife's Soft Core Past


Conservative Christian "news" outlet LifeSiteNews has reported that Donald Trump has become the first presidential candidate to sign an�anti-pornography�pledge, promising to crack down on obscenity.

The heart of the promise requires the president to prosecute existing obscenity laws by "appointing an Attorney General who will make the prosecution of such laws a top priority in my administration."

"Mr. Trump's leadership and commitment to uphold the rule of law is demonstrated by his signing of the Children's Internet Safety Presidential Pledge," said Donna Rice Hughes, the president of the anti-porn group�Enough is Enough, which drew the vow up. "Making the internet safer for children and families is a critical step in making America safe again."

The move to sign the pledge is ironically inconsistent with his wife Melania's history of soft core photoshoots, the latest of which were featured on the cover of The New York Post.

Adding to further irony, Hughe's group decried current enforcement under the Obama administration, which shifted enforcement on obscenity laws from a Department of Justice task force to local U.S. Attorneys - a move more consistent with Republican principles of smaller federal and stronger localized government.

Trump's move to sign the anti-porn pledge, is however, consistent with the 2016 Republican Party platform that branded porn a hazard to young people's well-being.

"Pornography, with its harmful effects, especially on children, has become a public health crisis that is destroying the lives of millions," the platform reads. "We encourage states to continue to fight this public menace and pledge our commitment to children's safety and well-being."

Trump chief rival in the race Democrat Hillary Clinton declined to sign, with campaign officials saying she has a policy against signing pledges. Libertarian presidential candidate�Gary Johnson�did not reply.

H/T - Citizens for Community Values

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