NOM Still Scrambling for People and Money for Saturday's Hate March


As the National Organization for Marriage's "March for Marriage" approaches in four days, the anti-LGBT group remains scrambling for both attendees and the cash necessary to put on the hateapalooza set for this weekend in Washington, DC.

"Just a quick note to ask if you saw Brian (Brown)'s email from yesterday asking if you will be able to join us at the March for Marriage this Saturday in D.C.," reads an email from NOM's National Political Director Frank Schubert sent on Wednesday.

Schubert followed his plea for participants with another plea for cash.

"Whether you can join the March or not, we really need everyone to step up with a financial contribution to defray the costs. We're still several thousand short of what we need to raise," he wrote.

Schubert's email is a clone of the one sent to followers by NOM president Brian Brown on Tuesday, which was all but identical to emails sent by NOM on June 14, 15, 16 and 17th - all asking for money to make up the shortfall of cash on hand needed to put on this weekend's march.

"We are still over $6,000 short of what we need to pay all the bills for security, staging, sound, promotion, etc.," reads NOM's generic beg. "If you have already given to help cover the March expenses, thank you!"

Sagging attendance and dried up financial resources have gone hand-in-hand for the once financially bountiful NOM. Even if the anti-gay group used the PBS appeal model of "if each of you only gave a dollar...," they would still come up financially short.

In 2014, NOM organized a similar march on Washington where, the reported there were over 10,000 participants. This report was in contrast to a report by the Associated Press which said "the crowd appeared to number between 1,000 and 2,000."

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