Duggar Homeschooling Guru Named in Lawsuit Alleging Sexual Abuse


There's trouble again in Duggarland. And this time, it has nothing to do with Josh.

According to a report in The Washington Post, ten women filed a lawsuit Wednesday against Bill Gothard, the Christian homeschooling guru whose Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP), has been touted by the Duggar family. The suit charges Gothard and leaders of his ministry with sexual abuse, harassment and cover-up.

The lawsuit is an amended version of one filed against IBLP in October in which five women, who were minors at the time, claim they were subjected to "inappropriate touching" while involved in IBLP.

Although Gothard was not named in the October lawsuit, the recent suit includes an undated letter in which he allegedly wrote to the women who are accusing him.

"I was very wrong in holding hands, giving hugs, and touching their hair and feet. I was also wrong in making statements that caused emotional turmoil and confusion," the letter reads, describing what he did as "sin."

Raw Story noted in October the suit also accused staff members at IBLP for failing to notify authorities after receiving frequent reports.

The celebrity faces of IBLP have been Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, who homeschool their 19 kids using IBLP's program. Their eldest son Josh was reportedly sent to a IBLP facility when he was a teenager after being caught molesting several young girls including his own sisters.

According to Wikipedia, IBLP is a non-denominational, Christian organization in Oak Brook, Illinois that serves as an umbrella organization for several ministries. IBLP was established by Gothard for the purpose of resolving youth and family conflicts.

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