Bryan Fischer Says Gays Will Bring Slavery Back to Mississippi


As Mississippi's ban on adoption by gay couples is currently being challenged in the courts, Bryan Fischer, the official mouthpiece of the hate group American Family Association (which is headquartered in Tupelo, MS), is warning followers of his radio program that if gay couples are allowed to give children a loving home, it will be tantamount to slavery returning to the south.

Calling the move for equality "tyranny," Fischer said "When you compel people to do things contrary to their will, contrary to their conscience, that's slavery as well as tyranny."

Fischer continued. "I submit to you that it is the homosexual lobby that's single-handedly bringing slavery back to the Confederate States of America."

Slavery has become a common theme in Fischer's rhetoric as the nation moves towards equality for LGBT citizens. In an address which ironically aired on April Fool's Day, 2015, Fischer spoke out about the fight against Indiana's now failed "religious freedom" law, claiming that if citizens weren't allowed to deny service to anyone on religious grounds it would be the equivalent of forced labor against their will.

"What do we call it when people are compelled to provide labor against their will?" Fischer asked in April. "Involuntary labor, what do we call that, ladies and gentlemen? That is involuntary servitude, that is slavery, that is something that is forbidden by the Thirteenth Amendment."

In February 2013, after 148 years, Mississippi finally ratified the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution making it the last state to officially recognize that slavery was abolished. Not surprisingly, Mississippi, to this date, is the last state in the nation that bans adoption by gay couples.

H/T Right Wing Watch


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