L-R) John Mayer and Andy Cohen attend the Hollywood Walk of Fame Star Ceremony for Andy Cohen on February 04, 2022 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Amy Sussman/Getty Images)

Andy Cohen: "I Will Tell You Someone Who I Am Not With" -- John Mayer

Emell Adolphus READ TIME: 2 MIN.

Andy Cohen is stoking the flames of shade his good friend and musician John Mayer started over the "Watch What Happens Live" host's The Hollywood Reporter interview.

Mayer infamously called out the line of questioning delivered to Cohen, and he is cheering on Mayer's response, which was a letter addressing THR's co-Editor-in-Chief Maer Roshan.

"I will tell you someone who I am not with. Who – between he or I we are constantly having to clarify our relationship and that is John Mayer," Cohen began on Friday's episode of his "Daddy Diaries" podcast, the New York Post reported. "And in this interview – I'm on the cover of the Hollywood Reporter – and the interviewer said, 'You know, your friendship with John. People really speculated and people are dubious that a straight rockstar could have a close, platonic relationship with a gay TV personality.'"

Cohen added, "And it is one of many times that I've been asked to kind of defend my relationship with him or characterize it or explain it. John wrote a letter to the editor of the Hollywood Reporter about this and I so loved it."

Cohen then once again went into how much he loves Mayer. And Mayer "loves me," he said. "But because we're so affectionate toward each other, people don't know what box to put that in. They assume we're sleeping with each other, which we are most definitely not."

About Mayer's letter to The Hollywood Reporter, Cohen said the sentiment should end the speculation around their relationship once and for all.

"It is demeaning to ask a gay guy about being friends with a straight guy. And also, it does assume that a gay guy can't be friends with a straight person without them having sex," said Cohen.

Cohen said he "cheered" when Mayer delivered the letter.

"I think that letter shows an incredible – I said to John after it was published – 'You know what? This really shows what an ally you are. That you care enough about this trope being lazy and dumb. That you would write this letter,'" said Cohen. "So I really, really love that he did that and I applaud him wanting it published. So, thank you John for going on the record about that. I thought it was really, really cool."

And there we have it.

by Emell Adolphus

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